General Medicine

General medicine is the branch of medicine that focuses on adult care. It refers to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the internal organs. A general medicine doctor may work with a patient’s heart, lungs and brain, among other organs. These doctors treat illnesses of the internal organs with methods other than surgery. A general medicine practice typically consists of a consultant, registrar and house officer. The consultant is the specialist, or the general medicine physician. The registrar is a doctor in training to become a specialist, and the house officer is a qualified doctor in training. Medical students may also work on the team as interns to gain hands-on experience in general medicine.

General Medicine is a group practice of board certified physicians that specialize in geriatrics, physical medicine and rehabilitation, and general internal medical services. Our services are focused on caring for post-acute and long-term care patients.

We exclusively perform our specialties “On-Site”, as attending physicians and nurse practitioners in selected sub-acute centers, long-term acute care hospitals.

Through our experience of serving many facilities in varying areas, we recognize it is essential to collaborate with other providers and healthcare organizations to deliver the finest continuity of care for patients. It is for this reason, in each facility, we service; we have developed and maintain a local practice, with primary care.

A specialist in this field is referred to as a general medicine physician. These doctors work with patients age 18 or older, as doctors who work with children are called pediatricians. General physicians become experts at diagnoses; they must identify multiple diagnoses, as diseases that involve several internal organs are not uncommon.

Medicine as a practice is the process of maintaining or restoring a patient’s health through diagnosis and treatment. As this category is intentionally broad, the word general is applied before it when classifying any type of adult patient care. General internal medicine is a slightly narrower field because there is more of a focus on the body’s organs.

A general medicine practice typically consists of a consultant, registrar and house officer. The consultant is the specialist, or the general medicine physician. The registrar is a doctor in training to become a specialist, and the house officer is a qualified doctor in training. Medical students may also work on the team as interns to gain hands-on experience in general medicine.